The Mammon Effect: the Global Addiction to Money and the Demon of Greed Within Us

Belinda Ward
6 min readJun 23, 2023
Demon Mammon

The Sinister Role of the Demon of Greed in the Rise of Money Addiction

In today’s society, the pursuit of financial success and the accumulation of material possessions have taken center stage. This cultural shift has given rise to a widespread addiction to money, where individuals relentlessly crave wealth and possessions at an unprecedented rate. However, beneath the surface lies the insidious influence of Mammon, the infamous demon of greed, manipulating our desires and propelling us deeper into the realms of materialistic cravings. In this thought-provoking post, I will take you into a world of darkness, where the rise of money addiction and fame has pervasive impact on individuals in today’s society.

Demon Mammon as a statue with money in the background .

The Rise of Money Addiction

In today’s consumer-driven society, material possessions have taken on a heightened significance. Advertisements bombard us with messages that equate wealth with happiness, success, and social status. The media glamorizes the lives of the rich and famous, fueling our desire to emulate their…



Belinda Ward
Belinda Ward

Written by Belinda Ward

Creative is art , but Art is from within

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