Amon, Demon Ruler of Malebolge

Belinda Ward
4 min readNov 4, 2022


Aamon, or Amon, is a demon in Jewish and Christian demonology. He is one of the Seven Princes of Hell and is said to rule over the Eighth Circle of Hell, known as the Malebolge. He is depicted as a monstrous human being with the head of a lion and the body of a serpent.

Aamon is said to be the demon of anger and rage. He is often invoked by magicians and sorcerers in order to summon forth anger and rage in their enemies. He is also said to be able to cause earthquakes and other natural disasters.

Aamon is a powerful demon, but he is not to be feared. He can be controlled and even summoned by those who know how to do so. He can be a force for good or for evil, depending on the will of the summoner.


1.-Aamon is a demon of wisdom and understanding and is said to be able to teach his followers the secrets of magic and knowledge. He is also known to be a helpful spirit, often offering guidance and advice to those who seek it.

2. Aamon can be said to be tall and handsome, with black hair and dark eyes. In animal form, he often takes the form of a black cat, a black dog, or a blackbird.

4. Aamon is a master of the occult and can teach humans about magic. He is said to be very powerful and knowledgeable and is able to help those who are seeking to learn more about the dark arts. He is often associated with death and destruction, but he also has a more benevolent side that can be helpful to those who are willing to learn from him.

5. Aamon is a powerful demon and can be very dangerous. He is said to be the spirit of destruction and chaos and is often associated with death and darkness. He is also said to be able to control the weather and cause natural disasters.

6. Aamon is one of the 72 Spirits of Solomon. He is a Duke of Hell who governs 40 legions of demons. He appears as a man with a raven or crow on his shoulder, and he can teach astrology and other arts and sciences.


Aamon, or Amon, is a demon who is able to get to his victims through deception and manipulation. He is able to lure them in with his charms and then take them over completely. He is a master of persuasion and can get people to do anything he wants. Once he has them under his control, he can make them do whatever he pleases.

Since Aamon’s birth, he has killed an innumerable number of humans. His victims range in age, gender, and race; there is no type of person that he does not enjoy killing. His favorite method of murder is to slit his victims’ throats and watch them bleed out, but he is also fond of burning them alive or decapitating them. He takes great pleasure in the suffering of his victims and often tortures them before killing them.

Aamon, or Amon, is a demon who is said to take on the form of a man with a goat’s head. He is said to be a fallen angel who was cast out of heaven for his crimes.

If humans were to see Aamon or Amon, they would most likely be terrified. These creatures are said to be very powerful and dangerous. They are often associated with death and destruction.

Aamon, or Amon, is just one of many demons that are said to exist. While some people may believe that they are nothing more than myths, there are others who believe that these creatures are real and pose a real threat to humanity.

Since the demon Aamon was first exorcised from a possessed individual in the early 1800s, many preachers and exorcists have tried to kill him. However, the demon has always managed to escape and continues to torment people. In recent years, Aamon has been responsible for a number of high-profile possessions, and he shows no signs of slowing down.

To be honest, there is no way to try and kill Amon the demon. I’m not even sure if it’s possible. He seems to be an incredibly powerful and dangerous creature. I wouldn’t want to try to kill one myself

